Do you dream of starting your own online business but don't know where to start? In our guide to digital start-ups, we accompany you step by step on the way to your successful start-up. From the first idea to implementation - we provide you with valuable tips, tried and tested tools and practical solutions to successfully build your company digitally. Regardless of whether you already have a vision or are still looking for inspiration: Here you will find everything you need to start your digital self-employment!
Do I have to pay trade tax as a founder? Who do I have to contact for this and how do I actually calculate how much I have to pay? Every new founder has many questions about tax law that affect them and their company. What you need to know about trade tax is explained simply and clearly in this article.
Setting up a company and finally being your own boss. Almost every employee has thought about this dream at some point. But setting up your own business needs to be well prepared.
Your professional qualifications are the most important requirement if you want to set up a care service.
Together, we will take a look at the current mood in the start-up scene and examine factors that influence the success of founders.
Financial management in start-ups is crucial to ensure that the company stays on track, grows financially sustainably and is successful in the long term.
Good employees are highly competitive. Every company needs them. Start-ups too. Especially start-ups. At the same time, start-ups have a clear disadvantage because they cannot pay salaries as high as established companies.
The term ‘entrepreneur’ often means nothing more than ‘businessman’. This term is also used in German-speaking countries.
Founder holding companies are often founded in the form of a UG (haftungsbeschränkt). For founders who want to reinvest their profits in other projects or investments, the founder holding company creates a genuine reinvestment effect. For them, the establishment of a holding company is attractive from a tax perspective. For founders who want to pass on their profits to themselves as private individuals, the establishment of a holding company is less attractive from a tax perspective. This results in an additional tax burden for them.
The asset-managing GmbH makes sense if profits from letting and leasing are to be reinvested as efficiently as possible. If the property is to be acquired in the GmbH, the focus should not be on speculative gains from increases in value, but on long-term expected returns from steady inflows. We would be happy to advise you further on this topic.
How is trade tax calculated? Here you can find out step by step how to calculate your trade tax amount - including a simple formula and calculation example!
The EU-wide ‘One-Stop-Shop’ (OSS) procedure is a further development of the ‘Mini-One-Stop-Shop’ and relates specifically to European VAT regulations.
Virtual shares are also an attractive alternative from a tax perspective, allowing employees to participate financially in the increase in value of the company. This is mainly due to the fact that the tax effects of the virtual shareholding can be predicted with certainty. In addition, virtual shares eliminate the dry income problem. The basic idea of motivating employees to perform well is therefore not jeopardised by tax charges incurred in advance. Taxes are only incurred when payments are actually made to employees.
Liquidity planning is a crucial tool for ensuring that a start-up has sufficient liquid funds to fulfil its ongoing obligations and avoid financial bottlenecks.
In our article, we reveal the reasons for this desire and what you should definitely know about dissolving a GmbH or UG.
Are you toying with the idea of becoming self-employed and setting up your own limited company?
Step by step to your company: The path to self-employment does not always seem easy. Formal, legal and personal issues are often unresolved.
Have you been toying with the idea of opening your own restaurant for a while? Find out below what requirements are needed, how much it will cost and what else you can look out for.
How to set up your company successfully and legally compliant in just a few steps. We advise and guide you through the start-up phase.
Setting up a transport company offers a wide range of opportunities - from goods transport to passenger transport.
The seemingly endless possibilities offered by the integration of AI open up a fascinating spectrum of new ways to create value and differentiate yourself from the competition.
On November 1, 2019, the law on the introduction of a card for electronic proof of identity for EU citizens and nationals of the European Economic Area (eID Card Act or eIDKG) came into force.
If you offer goods or services online in your company, you are generally obliged to provide an imprint on your website. The imprint provides information about you as a provider so that your customers have an overview of your identity. This is intended to create legal certainty and transparency. The legislator regulates this obligation in the German Telemedia Act (TMG). This obligation includes a list of details that you as the operator are obliged to clearly display on your website. An incorrect imprint can constitute a competition offence and result in fines.
Then you may be wondering whether setting up a non-profit limited company (gGmbH) is an option. In a gGmbH, you can make a contribution to the common good and pursue complex projects with determination.
Founding a GmbH (limited liability company) is a decisive step on the way to realising entrepreneurial goals.
The use of AI can bring many advantages: The improvement of forecasts, the optimisation of processes and resource allocation as well as the personalisation of services.
Legal advice may be necessary for various reasons. To get an initial assessment of your case, we recommend a free legal consultation, which many lawyers now offer with or without legal expenses insurance.
Before we take a closer look at the calculation of ‘Software-as-a-Service’ (SaaS) products, it is important to understand the difference between the production costs and the price of a service or product.
Why does it make sense to carry out a trade mark and trademark search, even if you don't want to register a trade mark initially, but just want to set up your start-up?
Secured liquidity should definitely be the number one issue for start-ups and founders.
Liquidity planning is crucial for start-ups to ensure that sufficient financial resources are available.
Are you a sole trader and wondering whether you can convert your company into a GmbH? You're certainly not alone in this, because the sole proprietorship is attractive due to its uncomplicated formation.
According to the Labour Protection Act, employers are obliged to introduce a system to record the hours worked by employees.
Are you a company offering goods or services online or operating a public company website?
When founders attend my Controlling & KPI workshop, I ask them in advance what they understand by the term controlling.
The entire formation process, including going to the notary, can be completed online. You can find out how to set up a GmbH online in the following article.
The two terms consumer and entrepreneur are frequently used in legal terminology. The term consumer is also frequently used in everyday language, as there are special protective regulations for consumers.
A privacy policy is mandatory for website operators. But what does it actually include to fulfil the legal requirements?
On our website we use third-party cookies, among other things, to personalize content or analyze access to our website. You can agree to the use of these cookies or reject them. You can view the form in which we process data at any time in our privacy policy.